A Mathematical Model for Course Schedule at Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University.

Example Results: WebApp(Prototype)

Input-Output Flow


   Course Scheduling is a facilitator for all institutions to complete their academic work according to planned goals. Course scheduling in many places still requires human labor to organize information. Class scheduling in many places still requires human labor to organize information. The problem of scheduling classes is complex and must be solved according to many constraints, such as the time each student and teacher are free, the number of classrooms, the capacity of the classroom, the number of students registered in each subject, the needs of Teachers who want to teach at certain times, etc. This research develops a program for course schedules for teachers, students, and classrooms in the Department of Statistics. Faculty of Science Khon Kaen University For Bachelor of Science and Master of Science programs To be able to organize course schedules conveniently and efficiently Course scheduling uses the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) method, which can define mandatory conditions. (Constraints) in order to provide the most efficient and complete class schedule.

Keywords: Class scheduling, Class Timetabling, Integer Linear Programming, optimization

Project poster

The website template was borrowed from Michaël Gharbi.